Monday, July 15, 2013

Finally feeling Settled

Last July, I packed up the house, husband, sewing machine and dogs and we moved across the country to make a new home for ourselves in Colorado.  We bought a house and have been spending the last year settling ourselves in (minus two months when my husband returned to KY to be worshiped as the Tax God he is).

There have been ups and downs -

The Ups:

The dogs LOVE the new house and yard

 (Even if it does mean Eva has to wear a coat when she goes out in the winter)
and I'm making friends in the local geeky community - and getting to show off some of my work while I do it:

corset should look familiar, but everything else was a new thrift store find!

skirt made from a table cloth and a dust ruffle- wish I had a better pic of the new corset though.
At Denver Comicon as Adorabelle Dearheart.
And I've been singing with the wonderful folks at Opera Colorado!
Romeo et Juliette - February 2013(they cut the hat eventually-
 I thought it made me look more like Ethel the Pirate's Daughter(points if you get the reference)

Don Giovanni- April 2013(it's LUCY!!)


 I also completed my first major costuming gig - getting 34 kids, ages 10-17 costumed for a production of "Grease, Jr." at Town Hall Arts Center in Littleton!
(Trying to track down photos - I'll add them later)

The Downs:    

 - Working a 9-5 job is not a whole lot of fun, but the steady paycheck and health insurance are not to be sneezed at.
 - Sometimes, you take a costuming gig and it SUCKS!!
Sometimes you're given minimal instructions, and a drawing from the kindergarten reject pile and you just "make it work". But you make a  point to be eternally too busy for this company from now on
- Sometimes said major costuming gig involved 34 children, multiple changes and a week and a half to execute everything.  And rehearsals are in the afternoon, which conflicts with said 9-5 gig.  So you don't see the show til opening weekend and have to make changes on the fly.
But in the end, for being here for exactly one year, I have managed to find costuming work, performing work and day job work, a house, a housemate and friends.  I think it's definitely working out for the best!



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